Faz tempo que precisava de colocar cortina na minha sala. Mas não sabia exatamente que cor escolher. Finalmente, achei algodão cru - que na verdade usei para fazer os shorts :D. A cortina é bem simples mesmo. Demorei para fazer por causa do tamanho e não a dificuldade. Enfeitei com uma rendinha bem fina, assim para contrastar um pouco. Agora de manhã quando tem sol podemos assistir TV sem problema ;)
It has been a while I needed some curtains in my living room. But I did not know exactly what colour to choose. Finally, I found this raw cotton - the same fabric I used to make the shorts :D. The curtains are very simple indeed. It took me a while to sew them just because of the size and not the dificulty level. I sewed this narrow lace to contrast a bit.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Minha nova cortina / My New Curtain
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Costurar roupa / Sewing clothes
Sempre gostei de fazer roupa. Não sou uma costureira profissional mas como tinha vontade de ser diferente na hora de me vestir, comecei a inventar e fazer as minhas proprias roupas - principalmente saias e calças que pra mim não são tão complicadas para fazer. A primeira saia pra mim fiz quando tinha dez ou onze anos. Infelizmente, não tenho nenhuma foto. Não costuro toda hora, só quando vem a inspiração. Na semana passada comprei algodão cru para fazer cortinas na sala. Mas o tecido é tão macio, não é daquele algodão cru que é grosso. E pensei fazer um shorts. Tinha um pedaço de malha que usei para fazer blusinha de uma manga e o que sobrou usei para enfeitar os shorts. Para completar o look fiz uma tiara - que é uma faixa do algodão cru, usei tres tiras - duas da malha estampada e uma do algodão com cola quente enrolei estas rosas, no meio uma perola e a tiara está pronta. Como colocar elástico ia demorar decidi costurar um pouco de velcro para fechar atrás. Este é o resultato um conjuntinho bonito, uma criança feliz e uma mãe contente.
I do like to sew clothes. I am not a professional dressmaker though but I always had the wish to be diferent in the way I dress myself so I began to invent and make my own clothes - mainly skirts and trousers as I find these not that dificult. The first skirt I made for myself was when I had around ten or eleven. Unfortunately, I do not have a pic of it. I do not sew all the time, only when I get inspired. Last week I bought some raw cotton to make curtains in the living-room. But this fabric was a bit softer and not thick as usual. I had the idea to make a pair of shorts. I had also a piece of jersey that I used to make a blouse and with the leftovers I embelished the shorts. To complete the look I made a tiara - i.e. a strip of raw cotton, I used three more strips - two jersey and one cotton with some hot glue, I twisted each one and shaped them into roses, embelished with small pearls and here you have a tiara. As sewing some elastic takes time I sewed some velcro to close behind. This is the final result - a cute set, a happy child and a contented mom.
I do like to sew clothes. I am not a professional dressmaker though but I always had the wish to be diferent in the way I dress myself so I began to invent and make my own clothes - mainly skirts and trousers as I find these not that dificult. The first skirt I made for myself was when I had around ten or eleven. Unfortunately, I do not have a pic of it. I do not sew all the time, only when I get inspired. Last week I bought some raw cotton to make curtains in the living-room. But this fabric was a bit softer and not thick as usual. I had the idea to make a pair of shorts. I had also a piece of jersey that I used to make a blouse and with the leftovers I embelished the shorts. To complete the look I made a tiara - i.e. a strip of raw cotton, I used three more strips - two jersey and one cotton with some hot glue, I twisted each one and shaped them into roses, embelished with small pearls and here you have a tiara. As sewing some elastic takes time I sewed some velcro to close behind. This is the final result - a cute set, a happy child and a contented mom.
Friday, 22 April 2011
Saco&linho&renda / Burlap&Linen&Lace
Mais uma almofada está pronta. Agora já tenho tres e acho que vou parar por aqui - por enquanto!?!? Usei uma sobra do saco de café, linho que combinou muito bem com a cor e esta linda rendinha que se destaca sendo um pouco mais clarinha.
One more cushion is ready. Now I've got three and probably I will stop here - for now?!?! I used a left over burlap, some linen which I think matches quite well and this cute lace that is a bit lighter and contrasts the other two colours.
One more cushion is ready. Now I've got three and probably I will stop here - for now?!?! I used a left over burlap, some linen which I think matches quite well and this cute lace that is a bit lighter and contrasts the other two colours.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Tudo etiquetado / All Tagged
Faz tempo que queria fazer algum tipo de etiquetes para os meus potes principalmente por causa do meu marido que sempre "reclama" que é dificil diferenciar o açúcar do sal etc...A minha primeira ideia era fazer os etiquetas em ponto cruz, mas isto ia demorar muito, depois ficaria talvez mais dificil para colocar nos potes. Na semana passada tive a ideia de fazer no papel e plastificar. Assim acho que vai durar mais tempo também. Usei é claro vermelho e branco, pouco de barbante para amarrar nos potes. Ainda bem que a moça na papelaria fez todo o trabalho de plastificar, recortar, fazer as pontas redondinhas. Eu tive só que furar, passar o barbante e amarrar. Agora o meu armario fica mais arrumadinho.
It has been a while since I wanted to label my kitchen pots mainly because of my husband who always "complains" how difficult it is to distinguish the sugar from the salt etc ... My first idea was to cross stitch the labels, but this would take too long and it would be difficult to find some way to tag the pots. Last week I had an idea to use laminated tags. So I think it will last longer as well. I used, of course, red and white, some string to tie to the pots. I was quite lucky as the girl at the bookshop did all the work for me as laminating, cutting, and shaping out the rounded corners. I just had to punch, pass the string through and tie. Now my closet looks a bit tidier.
It has been a while since I wanted to label my kitchen pots mainly because of my husband who always "complains" how difficult it is to distinguish the sugar from the salt etc ... My first idea was to cross stitch the labels, but this would take too long and it would be difficult to find some way to tag the pots. Last week I had an idea to use laminated tags. So I think it will last longer as well. I used, of course, red and white, some string to tie to the pots. I was quite lucky as the girl at the bookshop did all the work for me as laminating, cutting, and shaping out the rounded corners. I just had to punch, pass the string through and tie. Now my closet looks a bit tidier.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Mais uma almofada / Another cushion
A gente perde com frequencia os controles na sala, mas no quarto da minha filha se perdem com maior frequencia ainda. Depois de fazer a almofada para a sala, fiz outra para o quarto também. Usei os mesmos tecidos que tinha usado já para fazer a maior almofada.
The remote controls get lost quite often in the living room, but in my daughter's room it is even oftener. After sewing the pocket cushion for the living room, I sewed another one for the bedroom as well. I used the same fabrics I did to make the bigger one.
The remote controls get lost quite often in the living room, but in my daughter's room it is even oftener. After sewing the pocket cushion for the living room, I sewed another one for the bedroom as well. I used the same fabrics I did to make the bigger one.
Feliz, feliz, feliz / Happy, happy, happy
Finalmente achei o que tanto tempo estava querendo e procurando - xícaras vermelhas com polka-dots. Fiz varias pesquisas pela net para achar algum lugar que vende, só no exterior e o maior problema que ninguém entrega até aqui. Eu quase tinha desistido, mas no sábado fomos em Santa Barbara D'Oeste e lá no shopping vi estas liiiiindas xícaras e tigelas, não resisti e levei duas de cada. Hoje comprei esta cafeteira, na verdade é leiteira mas a cafeteira tem o mesmo design só que é maior. Comprei e este lindo tecido para fazer toalha de mesa na cozinha. Aos poucos o vermelho vai aparecer mais e mais na minha pequena cozinha...feliz, feliz, feliz...
Desejando a todas uma semana abençoada e repleta de paz!!!
Finally, I found what I have been looking for a looong time - red polka-dot cups. I searched the net to find somewhere to buy but I found only outside the country and the biggest problem was that all online shops do not deliver to Brazil. I had almost given up, but on Saturday we went to Santa Barbara D'Oeste city and in the mall there I saw these cups and bowls, I could not resist and took two of each. Today, I bought this coffee pot actually, it is for milk, but they both have the same design only the coffee pot is bigger. And bought this beautiful fabric to make a tablecloth in the kitchen. Little by little the red colour will appear more and more in my small kitchen ... Happy, happy, happy ...
Wishing you all a blessed week ful with peace!
Desejando a todas uma semana abençoada e repleta de paz!!!
Finally, I found what I have been looking for a looong time - red polka-dot cups. I searched the net to find somewhere to buy but I found only outside the country and the biggest problem was that all online shops do not deliver to Brazil. I had almost given up, but on Saturday we went to Santa Barbara D'Oeste city and in the mall there I saw these cups and bowls, I could not resist and took two of each. Today, I bought this coffee pot actually, it is for milk, but they both have the same design only the coffee pot is bigger. And bought this beautiful fabric to make a tablecloth in the kitchen. Little by little the red colour will appear more and more in my small kitchen ... Happy, happy, happy ...
Wishing you all a blessed week ful with peace!
Friday, 15 April 2011
Boneca em rosa e marron / Pink & Brown Doll
Algum tempo atrás fiz esta boneca para a minha sogra . Ela é costureira e toda hora tem freguesas e aí algumas delas gostaram tanto da boneca dela que perguntar quem deu pra ela etc. Decidi fazer esta e deixar com ela para quem tiver interesse poder adquiri-la! Ela não tem nome pois a nova dona vai ter que escolher um.
Last year I made this doll for my mother-in-law. As she is a dressmaker and all the time her customers when they go to her they fancy the doll and ask her where she got it from etc. So I decided to make and leave this one at her place if someone else is interested can acquire it. She is without a name as her new owner is supposed to choose one.
Last year I made this doll for my mother-in-law. As she is a dressmaker and all the time her customers when they go to her they fancy the doll and ask her where she got it from etc. So I decided to make and leave this one at her place if someone else is interested can acquire it. She is without a name as her new owner is supposed to choose one.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Preparações para o inverno / Winter Preparations
O inverno está chegando e aí fiz este gorro para minha filha. Peguei o modelo de uma revista, mas claro tive que mudar a cor inves de usar branco comprei a cor preferida das meninas que é rosa. Ficou uma graça e agora é só esperar para esfriar e usar! :)
Winter is coming so I crocheted this bonnet for my daughter. I took the model from a magazine, but of course I had to change the colour instead of using white I bought the girls' favourite colour pink. It turned out quite cute and now we just have to wait to chil a bit and use it! :)
Winter is coming so I crocheted this bonnet for my daughter. I took the model from a magazine, but of course I had to change the colour instead of using white I bought the girls' favourite colour pink. It turned out quite cute and now we just have to wait to chil a bit and use it! :)
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Sacos de café / Coffee Burlap Bags
Com crianças pequenas em casa muitas vezes é dificl achar o que preciso. Umas das coisas que se perdem com facilidade são os controles. Disaparecem assim do nada, e ninguem sabe...aí precisava de algum lugar para guardar-los. Vi varias ideias mas nenhuma do meu gosto, finalmente vi as almofadas feitas de pano de saco e simplesmente amei. Como sempre gostei de algodão cru, juta etc. decidi desta vez experimentar usando estes tão de sacos. Morando numa região produtora de café não foi dificil achar sacos de café que acho é o mais adequado para usar. E fiz esta almofadinha, enfeitada com croché, um pouco de linho para fazer os bolsos onde os controles vai ficar e tomara que não vão sumir mais!?!? Como o saco é bem grande fiz mais uma almofada bem mais símples mas acho que estas letras dizem tudo, enfeitei com uma florzinha de croché pois gosto muito destas flores. Tomara que as ciranças não a arranquem ;)
Having small children at home I often have hard time finding what I need. Some of the things that easily get lost are the remote controls. They dissappear just like that and nobody knows anything ... so I needed some special place to keep them. I saw several ideas but none of them to my taste, so finally I saw these burlap cushions and just loved them. I always liked raw cotton, jute etc... so I thought this time I will try using burlap. Living in a coffee producing region it was not hard to find coffee bags which I think is the most appropriate to use. So I made this cushion, embellished with crochet, a bit of linen for the pockets where the controls will stay and hopefully will not disappear anymore!?!? As the bag is quite big I made one more cushion much simpler but I think the letters say it all, adorned with a crocheted flower - I just love these flowers. Hopefully the chidren won't pull it out ;)
Having small children at home I often have hard time finding what I need. Some of the things that easily get lost are the remote controls. They dissappear just like that and nobody knows anything ... so I needed some special place to keep them. I saw several ideas but none of them to my taste, so finally I saw these burlap cushions and just loved them. I always liked raw cotton, jute etc... so I thought this time I will try using burlap. Living in a coffee producing region it was not hard to find coffee bags which I think is the most appropriate to use. So I made this cushion, embellished with crochet, a bit of linen for the pockets where the controls will stay and hopefully will not disappear anymore!?!? As the bag is quite big I made one more cushion much simpler but I think the letters say it all, adorned with a crocheted flower - I just love these flowers. Hopefully the chidren won't pull it out ;)
Monday, 11 April 2011
Rosas de jornal 2 / Newspaper Roses 2
Já tenho um buque lindo de rosas!!!! Desta vez usei outro PAP aqui Instructions for Paper Rose. Deste jeito as rosas ficam mais abertas e mais bonitas eu acho.
Now, I have a beautiful roses bouquet!!!! This time I used a different tutorial, you can find it here Instructions for Paper Rose. This way the roses are more open and lovelier I think.
Now, I have a beautiful roses bouquet!!!! This time I used a different tutorial, you can find it here Instructions for Paper Rose. This way the roses are more open and lovelier I think.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Rosas de jornal / Newspaper Roses
Estes dias vi rosas feitas de jornal velho e simplesmente amei! Achei tão lindas. Pesquisei para achar alguma dica ou PAP como se faz, mas nada com detalhes e decidi experimentar para ver o que vai dar. Tirei foto de tudo e vou colocar aqui. É muito facil, não tem muitos segredos, só alguns detalhes - por exemplo depois de cortar o circulo meio ondulado achei necessario amassar o jornal para que fique mais facil na hora de formar a flor. Depois fiz algumas vezes e desfiz a flor que me ajudou no último etapa. Usei cola branca na hora de fazer a rosa. E sempre acho muito lindo enfeitando com pérolas, ajuda para distrair o olhar das imperfeições. Estas são as minhas primeiras rosas que fiz sem talo, mas acho que ficaria legal também se usar palitos e colocar num vaso.
I saw some roses made out of old newspapers and just loved them! I found them so beautiful. And I started to search to find some clue or step-by-step how to do them, but I found nothing with details and decided to try to make and see what will happen. I took pictures of my step-by-step and I'll attach here. It is very easy, there aren`t many secrets, just a few details - for example after cutting out the circle I found it necessary to squish a bit the paper which makes it easier when the flower is to be shaped. Afterwards I made and unmade the flower several times and this helped me at the final step. I used white glue to make the rose. And always I find very beautiful decorating with pearls, it helps to distract the eye of not seeing the imperfections. These are my first roses and I made them without a stalk, but I think it would be nice too if using some toothpicks and place the roses in a vase.
I saw some roses made out of old newspapers and just loved them! I found them so beautiful. And I started to search to find some clue or step-by-step how to do them, but I found nothing with details and decided to try to make and see what will happen. I took pictures of my step-by-step and I'll attach here. It is very easy, there aren`t many secrets, just a few details - for example after cutting out the circle I found it necessary to squish a bit the paper which makes it easier when the flower is to be shaped. Afterwards I made and unmade the flower several times and this helped me at the final step. I used white glue to make the rose. And always I find very beautiful decorating with pearls, it helps to distract the eye of not seeing the imperfections. These are my first roses and I made them without a stalk, but I think it would be nice too if using some toothpicks and place the roses in a vase.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Meu relogio de morangos
Semana passada peguei o meu relogio junto com dois outros bordados que deixei para encuadrar. Agora já posso ver a hora na cozinha sem precisar de correr até a sala ou pedir as crianças toda hora. As fotos não ficaram muito boas mas acho que os vidros que foram colocados não são anti-reflexo mesmo que eu pedi.
Marcadores: bonecas, coelhos, bordados
morangos / strawberries,
ponto X / X stitch
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